set [<option>[=<value>]]

The "set" command is used to show one or all options, or define an option.

b_output2d        - {0,1} - Whether to use 2d output for equations
b_outputMathML - {0,1} - Whether to use MathML rendering for 2d output
i_detail - {0-4} - The current
detail, from "low" to "explicit"
f_fuzzy_min - (0-1) - The number below which a fuzzy match is ignored
f_fuzzy_max - (0-1) - The number above which a fuzzy match is assumed
c_kernel_esc - alpha - The character used to signify a kernel escape
c_comment_char - alpha - The character used to signify a
i_screenwidth - N - The width of the screen in characters
i_max_numerator - N - The largest numerator for exact ratios
i_max_denominator - N - The largest denominator for exact ratios
f_frac_acc - (0-1) - Tolerance for float-to-rational conversion
i_max_steps - N - Largest number of transformation steps to try
f_float_acc - (0-1) - Tolerance for floating-point equality tests
b_learn_mode - {0,1} - Whether fuzzy matches will be stored
b_fuzzy_facts - {0,1} - Whether to use fuzzy matching in the library
b_auto_consult - {0,1} - Whether to scan the library without asking
b_log_help - {0,1} - Whether to show "help" output in the logs
b_assume_any - {0,1} - Whether to use any preposition in hypotheticals
b_trace_parse - {0,1} - Whether to trace the parsing of input