output {1d|2d}

The "output" command is used to determine which of two styles of mathematical notation will be used when displaying expressions and equations:

The keyword "1d" selects one-dimensional notation. It is the same as the notation used to enter expressions and equations from the command line.

e.g.   6(i-(y+z)/2)=p(1+2(3)/(4((4+x)/5-1)))

The keyword "2d" selects two-dimensional notation. It approximates standard math notation by depicting fractions in the traditional numerator-above-denominator format, centering expressions, drawing large parentheses, and hiding redundant parentheses. "2d" is the default format.

e.g.      /    y + z\       /         2 (3)     \
      6 ( i - ----- ) = p | 1 + --------------- |
\  2 /  |    /4 + x    \  |
|  4 ( ----- - 1 ) |
\ \  5    / /
See also:  detail, expression, solve